Our Three Gift Christmas
Beyond Santa Claus we wanted the girls to truly know the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. We started this tradition a few years ago, in our home Santa brings three special gifts for each child similar to the three Kings who brought thee gifts to baby Jesus.
1. GOLD "Something you LOVE"
The gift of gold symbolizes something of great value. It’s to be something the child wants – something precious to them. At this point, I still choose this gift for my children. This is those prized possessions and for 2016-Wonderbolts and Williewisher doll.
2. FRANKINCENSE "Something you share"
The gift of frankincense symbolizes something spiritual. Frankincense was burned in the temple as part of worship. For this gift, we give something that helps with the child’s spiritual walk and it is something they share with each other. We want the girls to model Jesus in their everyday lives and for them learning to compromise, share, and nurture each other is something we feel is so important. This year we found some fun game Pie in the Face. We focus on how this was a gift for them to share and they even take turns opening the gift on Christmas morning.
3. Myrrh "Something you need"
Myrrh was a medicinal item back in the day. This gift symbolizes something for the body. I’ve heard it told that the Wise Men brought this gift to Jesus in preparation for when he would die for us.
This item can be any number of things: clothing, shoes, cologne, underwear. For our family this gift is something you need & this year pretty winter coats that our little Texans may wear 5 times a season- good thing Mama finds a good bargin & buys a size bigger so they can be born for two-three seasons.